QSO Guide lines

All QSOs will be uploaded to Clublog DAILY – unless the Internet is down

On FT8 I will MOSTLY run in Fox/Hound mode. Make sure that you have installed WSJT version 2.6.1 or newer or JTDX version 2.2.159 or newer. DO NOT CALL BELOW 1000 Hz in normal Fox/Hound mode.

If possible I will also use Superfox mode. Be sure that you have installed WSJT-X version 2.7.0-rc7 (or newer).

Listen to the Operator for RX frequencies (e.g., “up 5 to 10”, or “listening on 7.155”, etc.)

You have two ears and one mouth, so please try to listen more, talk less. Be patient.

During SSB pileups, please use common phonetics, do NOT call continually without listening or call over a station being worked.

During ALL pileups, listen for YOUR call on the comeback. Trust that I have two good ears.

I am not impressed by those who add to the QRM by constantly calling out of turn.

Please do not Tune Up on any of our TX frequencies or any of my RX slots!

If I ask for “EU” only or “QRP only” or any other specific request, please QRX.

Resist those “insurance” QSOs. I want to maximize unique QSOs, not Dupes.

Whenever possible, we will try to listen in the General portion of the band.

Do not repeat our call sign, I know it.

Remember: I want you in my log. Please help me get you there.

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